This weeks marks an historic one for the Milwaukee Archdiocese.
Rev. Jeffrey Grob will become the 12th archbishop of the diocese. The installation events began Monday evening with an evening prayer and the traditional ‘knocking on the door’ of the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist.
“That’s ​the ​moment ​when (Rev. Grob) is ​officially ​welcomed ​to ​the ​Archdiocese ​of ​Milwaukee ​and ​to ​the ​cathedral,” said Rebecca Ruesch, a canon lawyer with the Marquette University Law School.
The official installation will take place Tuesday afternoon. “It’s the Catholic Super Bowl,” Ruesch joked.
WATCH: Click to watch the service live at 1:30pm Tuesday.
The service will begin with a long procession.
“(The procession) contains all ​the ​priests ​of ​the ​Archdiocese ​of ​Milwaukee,” she told WTMJ’s Wis. Morning News. “That’s ​several ​hundred (people). ​You’ve ​got ​all ​of ​the ​deacons ​of ​the ​Archdiocese ​of ​Milwaukee ​and ​you’ll ​also ​have ​visiting ​bishops ​and ​other ​guests.”
After the installation, the new archbishop will get right to work.
“He’s ​going ​to ​hit ​the ​ground ​running, ​for ​sure,” Ruesch said. “​But ​in ​this ​case, (former) ​Archbishop ​Listecki ​isn’t ​moving ​on ​to ​a ​different ​diocese. ​He’s ​retiring. ​He’s ​going ​to ​be ​here. ​I’m ​sure (the former archbishop) ​will ​be ​more ​than ​willing ​to ​lend ​an ​ear ​to ​Archbishop ​Grob ​if ​he’s ​got ​questions, ​and ​he’s ​going ​to ​have ​(Listecki) ​nearby ​as ​someone ​that ​he ​can ​rely ​on ​for ​help ​and ​assistance.”