MILWAUKEE — No one was injured after 2 Milwaukee County Sheriff‘s squad cars were hit minutes apart on the highway.
The incidents happened just before 9pm on December 9. A Sheriff’s patrol division deputy had just gotten out of his squad car on I-43/894 eastbound at 60th Street to remove debris from the roadway. His squad was hit from behind moments later by an impaired driver. That driver later admitted he had been drinking earlier.
As more sheriff’s deputies responded to the crash, a second squad car stopped ahead of the crash scene to prep the lanes for closure. But before he could get out his vehicle, the second squad car was hit by another driver. This driver later told officers that “he didn’t realize a lane closure was imminent”.
The first squad car sustained minor damanage, but the second one had significant damage and was removed from service. The driver who hit the first squad was examined by first responders as a precaution.
The Greenfield Police Department will be investigating both crashes.
The Milwaukee County Sheriff’s Department reminds the public that while there were no injuries in these crashes, “[i]t should go without saying that you shouldn’t drive under the influence. Additionally, though, Wisconsin, like many other states, recently observed public safety crash responders. The Hoan Bridge was even lit as part of this acknowledgment. Part of this annual observance is a reminder to the public that when you see first responders in public safety vehicles stopped ahead of you, the smartest, safest thing to do — and the law — is to move over or slow down to accommodate those first responders and protect them, the people or issues they may be responding to, and, of course, yourself and any other driver that may be approaching them”.