Stories you might have missed from around Wisconsin.
St. Croix Falls: 81 year old woman found guilty in 40 year old cold case.
This is right out of a true crime podcast. A Polk county jury convicted an 81 year old Arizona woman of killing her romantic rival in a love triangle 40 years ago. The Journal Sentinel reports that Mary Jo Bailey was found guilty of first degree murder. She was accused of killing Yvonne Menke on December 12, 1985. Prosecutors said Jack Owen was in a relationship with Menke while also knockin’ cowboy boots with Bailey who trained horses with him. Three’s a crowd for sure. Full Story
Green Bay: Complaint says Wied’s nomination papers presented as help for homeless.
Politics can be a dirty business so you need to stay on the straight and narrow, lest one of your opponents come after you. Areport in the Journal Sentinel says former Green Bay Alderman filed a complaint with the State Elections Board yesterday alleging that petitioners for Republican Tony Wied were asking people to sign papers they claimed were for the homeless, but were in fact nomination petitions for Wied. The former Alderman, Tony Theisen was coincidentally volunteering for Wied’s primary opponent. Even if some signatures are removed, Wied would still have enough signatures to be on the ballot, but Theisen asked the Board to review all nominating petitions submitted by Wied. Full Story
Lake Geneva: Topsy Turvy Brewery creates cicada infused beer.
If you know, drink or study beer, you’ve heard of adjuncts. Those are ingredients that brewers add to enhance flavors and create unique brews. Russ Prichard, Head Brewer at Topsy Turvey Brewery in Lake Geneva is taking adjuncts to the next level…CICADAS! Prichard told the Journal Sentinel that since there are so many cicadas in the area, he decided to use them in a beer. Having been told that the flying freaks were “nutty and earthy” he decided ot add them to Topsy Turvey’s Nut Brown Ale. After steeping dehydrated and ground cicadas in the brown ale, the result is a beer that Prichard said tastes like the brown ale at the beginning but on the “back end” “that’s where the cicadas made their presence known. You get a little cumin and a little mushroomy and it’s more earthy. Samples are available today and Friday and 5oz pour will be for sale on Saturday. Cheers!! Full Interview
Rhinelander: Historic Smokey Bear portraits to be displayed in Rhinelander.
You know that only you can prevent Forest Fires, but did you know that the iconic bear that told you that was turning 80 years old. Smokey Bear looks as young as ever. Fans of Smokey will be able to see historic portraits of Smokey Bear when a special exhibition comes to Rhinelander’s Pioneer park Historical Complex July 2-7 during National Forest Week. According to the US Forest Service, in addition to celebrating Smokey Bear’s birthday the exhibition will call attention to fire safety during one of the busiest recreational weekends of the season. Visitors can see 19 vintage images, digitized vintage films, make a birthday card for Smokey and much more. More Info