Several of them locked arms and blocked the main entrance to the Public Safety Building, which has been boarded up ...
The Kenosha News says about 40 protesters attended the rally and blocked the entrance to the Public Safety Building
The Milwaukee Bucks remain on the frontlines in the fight for social justice.
KENOSHA -- No criminal charges for any Kenosha Police officers in the shooting of Jacob Blake. Kenosha's Mayor and Police ...
There will be no charges filed against Kenosha Police Officer Rusten Sheskey, following last summer's police shooting of Jacob Blake.
The city's district attorney is announcing the official charging decision.
ice President nominee Kamala Harris met with Jacob Blake, the man shot seven times by a Kenosha Police Officer, and ...
Jacob Blake, the man who was shot in the back by a Kenosha police officer on August 23, is pleading ...
President Trump used the final night of the Republican National Convention to cover a wide variety of topics, including law ...
President Trump, after calling out democratic leadership in several U.S. cities including Kenosha, says he may visit during the time ...
Mark Zuckerberg says Facebook made a mistake in not removing a militia group's page earlier this week that called for ...
Jacob Blake is being "released from custody" in the hospital, according to the Milwaukee County Sheriff's Office.
A private Milwaukee college has canceled plans to have Vice President Mike Pence deliver a commencement address
NEW BERLIN, Wis. -- A New Berlin police officer has a broken finger after a crash involving a wrong-way drunk...
Read moreDetailsArtificial Intelligence and Female Empowerment appeared to be the dominant themes from the Super Bowl LIX commercials, according to a...
Read moreDetailsStories you might have missed from around Wisconsin. Green Bay: Protesters endure winter weather to march in support of immigrant...
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