The number is staggering: 38,390.
That’s how many points LeBron James has scored in his Hall of Fame career. LeBron is officially the NBA’s King of scoring surpassing the great Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Tuesday night in Los Angeles.
Kareem’s career began in 1969. The three-point shot was adopted ten years later, but it was not a game-changer for Jabbar.
Of Jabbar’s 38,387 career points, exactly three have come from behind the arc.
Of LeBron’s 38,390 career points, 6,711 have come from three.
But if someone uses those facts to somehow diminish LeBron’s record, remind that person that LeBron has 4,694 more assists than Jabbar. In fact, LeBron ranks fourth in NBA history in assists with 10,354. Of the top-ten all-time scorers in NBA history, the next closest to LeBron’s assist total is the late Kobe Bryant with 6,306.
In terms of scoring and distributing, LeBron is the most prolific in NBA history, and it’s not even close.
When someone asks you what the most impressive aspect of LeBron’s scoring record is, point directly to his assists.