Aaron Lipski has been leading the Milwaukee Fire Department for over seven months. On Friday, he became the official chief.
A swearing in ceremony took place Friday inside Milwaukee City Hall for Lipski, who was selected to finish out the current term left by former Chief Mark Rohlfing, who retired in October of 2020.
Lipski, who continues a tradition for his family with serving within the department for over 100 years, thanked his family, fellow firefighters and others in the department for the work they have done to keep things going.
The department has its challenges, including a rise in pandemic calls and the loss of a private ambulance company in MIlwaukee to assist them with select calls, but Lipski says he’s ready to help guide the department through them.
“We are being given an enormous opportunity to fix things,” says Lipski, “to rebuild things. That is truly what it is, an opportunity.”