Governor Tony Evers said on WTMJ 2021 this week that the state is facing a serious budget shortfall and that all avenue are being explored for ways to save money.
Those avenues include asking state agencies to cut money from the budget wherever they can.
“This year’s budget and frankly last year’s fiscal budget, we cut $70 million out of that budget and we’re looking at $250-$300 million out of the present fiscal year’s budget,” Governor Evers said.
“And it’s because our revenues are continuing to decline.”
Governor Evers says that one way he is considering paying for transportation projects in the state is by implementing tolls on interstate highways.
“Well, I’m open to it. I mean, clearly other states have done it and it may be a more efficient way to do it. We’ve actually been looking at it as well as obviously raising the gas tax. We have to find ways to pay for our infrastructure and that’s one of them,” Governor Evers said.
Governor Evers says that despite rising COVID-19 cases across Wisconsin, he’s proud of the way schools have opened up amid the pandrmic.
“Actually, I’ve been pretty proud with the way the schools have handled it,” Governor Evers said.
“All schools have a different way of mitigating. The classrooms might be a larger or smaller size that doesn’t permit some things. It’s not easy and it’s messy,” Governor Evers said.
When it comes to bars and restaurants across the state, however, Governor Evers says he sees it differently.
“On a statewide basis, a bar size is pretty much a bar size,” Governor Evers said. “There’s more consistency in the ability to mitigate on a statewide basis with bars, restaurants and other retailers.”
Governor Evers says he’s not sure whether or not leaders in the state legislature will meet with him to discuss COVID-19 preparedness going forward. He also says he’s not sure what would come of a meeting.
“It’s always good to meet, I’m not denying that. But at the end of the day, whether that will see a difference, I’m not sure. I mean right now, there’s a lot of rhetoric floating around.”
Governor Evers was a guest on WTMJ 2021.