Update: 4:05 p.m.
Our friends across the hall here at Radio City are trying again. This time, a Coke can and a Diet Pepsi bottle.
Original story
How cold is it? Cold enough to make a soda can explode.
With temperatures at -12 in the sun at Radio City at about 11 a.m. Wednesday on one of the coldest days in Milwaukee history, our friends at TODAY’S TMJ4 decided to test that theory.
At 10:35 a.m., they took two soda cans and a thermometer outside the Radio City studios which they share with us and ESPN Milwaukee. They stuck a camera out there to see how long it would take for those soda cans to pop.
(Yes, Illinois residents, they are SODA cans.)
At about 12:30 p.m., the Diet Coke went down. After four hours and 22 minutes, the Mountain Dew can’s top popped, and a bit of a tasty-freeze style of solidified Dew came out.
Watch below.