EXCEL Concrete Coatings is a partner of Good Karma Brands and WTMJ, endorsed by Vince Vitrano.
MILWAUKEE — Vince Vitrano, here! I want to tell you about the local, family-owned company that transformed my garage.

My concrete floor, as you can see from these before/after photos, was really beaten up. I tracked dirt and dust into the house. Water pooled in the low spots. It was cracked, pock marked, and uneven.
EXCEL Concrete Coatings fixed all that, and topped it with a beautiful, multicolored surface that my wife and I picked out. EXCEL then sealed the whole thing tight. Now it’s easy to clean, and it looks so good I almost don’t want to park my cars on it!
EXCEL Concrete Coatings can do the same for your garage floor, pool deck, basement, outdoor patio… if it’s concrete, they’ll coat it affordably and beautifully. Residential and commercial — no project is too big.
Better still, these are great people to do business with. Greg and LuAnn would love to take your call directly. You can reach them at (262) 993-6950.
Here’s the website to see all the wonderful work they do: https://excelconcretecoatings.com/
I am so proud to recommend EXCEL Concrete Coatings for your project. Tell them Vinny sent ya, and let me know how it turns out. I’d love to see your before and after photos. Share them with me at [email protected].

EXCEL Concrete Coatings is a partner of Good Karma Brands and WTMJ, endorsed by Vince Vitrano.