Maddie Fisher is a 13-year-old Heart Warrior managing her way through life as a teenager with a congenital heart defect....
Read moreDetailsThe life expectancy of a child with congenital heart defects is growing. Advancements in medicine have allowed for this trend....
Read moreDetailsI type this story with a heavy heart. Earlier this week, Mark Kassab, a freshman at Brookfield Central High, died...
Read moreDetailsFirst of all: Thank you for reading this. Over the next three weeks - as part of our latest WTMJ...
Read moreDetailsNEW BERLIN, Wis. -- A New Berlin police officer has a broken finger after a crash involving a wrong-way drunk...
Read moreDetailsArtificial Intelligence and Female Empowerment appeared to be the dominant themes from the Super Bowl LIX commercials, according to a...
Read moreDetailsStories you might have missed from around Wisconsin. Green Bay: Protesters endure winter weather to march in support of immigrant...
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