First of all: Thank you for reading this.
Over the next three weeks – as part of our latest WTMJ Cares initiative – I’m going to bring you stories of families affected by congenital heart disease.
Some of the stories will be uplifting. Some will be sad.
At the end of the program, my hope is that you understand what CHD is, and how it affects young children and their families. Often times, CHD is detected during pregnancy…but not always.
Do you have a fussy baby, or is there a greater concern? As a father of two young girls I’m hopeful fellow Moms and Dads will learn about the warning signs of CHD.
To set the foundation, I spoke with Dr. John Costello, Director of Research for the Children’s Heart Center at the Medical University of South Carolina. Dr. Costello is also on the Board of Director’s for the Children’s Heart Foundation.
If you’d like to show your support for the Children’s Heart Foundation, text the word, CARES to 855-616-1620 and join our WTMJ Team for October’s Congenital Heart Walk.
WTMJ Cares is powered by Watry Industries and Premier Aluminum and sponsored by Professional Construction Inc.