It’s Christmas week!
The show begins on a festive note reminding everyone of our big guest appearance by the man himself, Santa Claus, will be in studio on Thursday night! December 23rd. Spread the word!
From one innocent topic, to another. Scott encountered a student driver! As he witnessed her eyes wide, hyper-focus nature behind the wheel, Scott was quickly brought back to his days in drivers ed. He has a very distinct memory of what it felt like, and is curious about other drivers education stories. The listeners deliver, as they always do.
Plus, we give you the gift you possibly couldn’t re-gift: the topic of regifting! Scott gets into the percentages of people who have re-gifted gifts before, who would be okay with receiving a re-gift and the numbers will surprise you.
All of this, plus the germiest places in department stores, a little Bucks talk with Justin Garcia & so much more.
WTMJ Nights, full show commercial-free can be heard right here:
Relive your youth with Scott’s Drivers Ed segment!