MILWAUKEE- The city-ordained organization dedicated to putting an end to gun violence in Milwaukee wants to hear from you.
Started 14 years ago, the city’s Office of Violence Prevention says its core mission is to, “reduce violence in Milwaukee. The Office of Violence Prevention provides strategic direction and oversight for City efforts to reduce risk of violence through linked strategies in partnership with government, non-profit, neighborhood, and faith organizations.”
The office has faced increased scrutiny in recent weeks and months as gun crimes in Milwaukee have reached, and surpassed, numbers from years past. To date, Milwaukee Police say they’ve responded to 312 non-fatal shootings this year, up 5% from 2021.
Among those voicing their frustrations with the OVP is Milwaukee Alderman Bob Baumann. Baumann, who represents parts of downtown Milwaukee, told our news partners at TMJ4 he advises people to avoid parts of his own district.
“I honestly don’t know what they’re doing, what they have done,” Baumann told the TV station after more than 20 people were injured in a series of shootings in downtown Milwaukee last weekend. “We just allocate a bunch of money to them out of the American Rescue Plan funds but you have to ask them what they’re doing because I frankly don’t know.”
The OVP’s budget has increased this year after receiving $8.4 million in ARPA Funds that will add to the $3 million allocated to the office through the city’s annual budget.
The OVP is hosting a town hall meeting tonight that is open to the public. In a press release the office said “Addressing violence in Milwaukee requires a collaborative approach.”
If you want to participate in tonight’s meeting, it will be held at the Zilber School of Public Health building at 1240 N. 10th Street. The meeting starts at 5:30pm.