He came from Elroy, a grocer’s son.
To the State Capitol to get things done.
No empty promises
And no pretention,
He entered the fray
With best of intention.
He worked hard
Every day and into the night
To make things better
And set wrongs to right.
State Rep to Gov
He ascended the hill
And doggedly worked
To nurture goodwill.
Regardless of income,
Age, color or faith.
The doors to the East Wing
Were a welcoming gate.
They came to his table
Where the dialogue began
Both the stridently Dem
And the Republican
He rolled up his sleeves
And refused to budge
Until solutions were offered
Without angry grudge
Whether north side
Of Milwaukee
Or Northwoods resort
Or cities or counties
Or stadiums for sport
He got the job done
And he did it right
Without hateful speech
Or intractable fight
To DC and back
Then up Bascom Hill
To further his service
With high energy, still
And now they say
There could be a chance
That he’d consider
Another gubernatorial dance
Whether that is to come
Or just wishful thinking
It’s got people talking
It’s got Tommy winking
His inimitable way
Is at it again
To keep us guessing
Is this really his plan
Whether yes it is
Or simply a friendly lark
Talk of a run
Has ignited a spark
It’s inside all of us
It’s at our core
To serve one another
And dare to do more
That is the legacy
Of our friend TGT
Always looking out
For you and for me
This WTMJ Guest Op-Ed was written by a Tommy Thompson former staffer who wishes to remain anonymous.
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