A portion of Old World Third Street in downtown Milwaukee will likely to become Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. It has full support of the Milwaukee Common Council and Mayor Tom Barrett.
Executive Director Historic King Drive Deshea Agee says the union of these two streets would coincide with Dr. King’s message of unity.
“We are going to be connecting people, I believe, with not just the history of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. but his life’s mission. It’s a way for us to continue his legacy of bringing people together,” said Agee.
He says over the past five years he’s had an opportunity to re-imagine M-L-K Dr. in the city.
“We have certainly turned a corner to bring the right image to Dr. Martin Luther King and the streets that are named after him, particularly right here in Milwaukee,” Agee said.
His vision is to become the best MLK Dr. in America.
A decision on the street name could be decided when the council meets again on February 9th.
Hear more of the interview by clicking on the player above.