I noticed it.
If you live anywhere close to Milwaukee, you probably noticed it on Monday, too.
Blue everywhere.
With restrictions lifted and full capacity crowds back at American Family Field, so too back are Chicago Cubs fans.
They’re infiltrating our coffee shops.
They’re clogging up our roadways.
All to catch a cheaper glimpse of their beloved Cubs than they can get on the north side of Chicago.
In all honesty, I felt bad for ragging on Cubs fans on yesterday morning’s show.
My change of heart came after watching a young couple and their two kids clad head-to-toe in Cubs gear struggle with a downtown Milwaukee parking meter.
Who hasn’t been there?
I politely told them it was free after 6 p.m. and continued on with my run.
So, let me walk yesterday’s comments back.
I’m happy to have you in what some have recently called our terrible city.
Enjoy the bars, the food, the coffee shops, the highways, and the ballpark.
Thanks for coming, for giving our city a visit, and for a shot in the arm economically.
We truly do appreciate you.
But if you’re going to come up, be aware of something else.
These aren’t your 2016 Milwaukee Brewers.
If you’re going to come up, be prepared to enjoy your 14 to 4 drubbing, the flying of the L, and your long, dark, quiet drive on 94-southbound.