The heaviest edition of Pancake Breakfast Special on Wisconsin’s Morning News with Vince Vitrano
This is about as heavy as it gets.
A little fun fact about your friendly neighborhood Pancake, I am total metal head. I like all sorts of music but it is with the rock n’ roll that I plant my musical flag.
Now, as you may have heard on Wisconsin’s Morning News on Thursday, there was a closed door meeting on Capitol Hill earlier this week that featured tech industry giants including of course Elon Musk.
When discussing regulation around artificial intelligence, Elon had the most ‘metal’ quote of all time: “There’s some chance, above zero, that A.I. could kill us all.”
So we have that to look forward to. In the meantime, let’s try to enjoy the endless possibilities that A.I. and technology can give to us.
I want to introduce you all to Compressorhead! The newest heavy metal band on the circuit – so to speak. As they plug away on their cover of Motörhead’s Ace of Spades you can see, that these players on stage are robots! Even better, they are actually playing their instruments with the help of programmed air compression!
Let’s meet the band! At the helm, ‘Mega-Watson’, quite literally the heaviest frontman of all time weighing in at 350kg (just over 770 lbs) Mega-Watson navigates the stage on two tracks similar to how a tank moves around, has a retractable mohawk and pulsating teeth!
The rest of the band: Stickboy – the four armed, two legged drummer. The guitar player named ‘fingers’ because they have 78 of them! And of course, Helga Tarr, the only female member of the band.
Maybe it’s the nostalgia being raised on automatronic performers like the ones at Disney World, or the nightmare fuel inducing Chuck E. Cheese performers. I think this is a pretty cool band that I would definitely see live.