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Wednesday, 7:55 p.m.
Wednesday, 1:09 p.m. A news conference outside the Wisconsin Center before Day 3 of the convention.
Kristin Settle of Visit Milwaukee joined Wisconsin’s Morning News Wednesday to discuss the local aspects of the convention.
Tuesday, 9:20 p.m. Joe Biden has officially been nominated as the Democrat’s presidential candidate.
During the roll call of states and territories to cast their delegates’ vote, Wisconsin Lieutenant Governor Mandela Barnes represented the state from the Wisconsin Center.
Barnes took his few moments of speaking time to share his love for the city his calls home. “This is a community that’s been faced with some significant challenges due to historical injustice, but what many don’t see is the joy, the resilience, and opportunity that lies within this community, and so many others across America just like it.”
“We know that we build a better future for our nation by channeling Wisconsin’s legacy as the birthplace of the labor and the progressive movement, and uniting around a bold and inclusive agenda that uplifts every community.”
The final count for the delegate vote was 3,558 for Biden, and 1,151 for Sanders.
Tuesday, 7:55 p.m. The day two session of the DNC is underway. Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett gaveled it in.
“I would love to be welcoming you to my home city right now,” says Barrett. “The good people of Milwaukee and I were so excited when we learned that our resilient city was chosen to host the 2020 Democratic National Convention.”
“But these are not conventional times, and as a result; as we all know this is not a conventional convention. And as much as we would have love to host you in person, I am proud that the Democratic Party and the City of Milwaukee have made the health of our residents our number one priority.”
Barrett adds he wants people to visit when it is safe to do so. “Milwaukee is a very special place on America’s fresh coast. I look forward to the day when you are all able to come experience our beautiful lakefront, our historic neighborhoods, and above all, our diverse, hard working and friendly residents.”
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Tuesday, 1:22 p.m. Watch a news conference from outside the DNC in Milwaukee.
Tuesday, 9:30 a.m. (from the Associated Press)
The third-ranking Democrat in the U.S. House says that Black people should not be blamed for any violence that has erupted during the summer’s protests following George Floyd’s death.
Majority Whip Jim Clyburn told Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends” on Tuesday “that is not who I am, that is not who we are,” of the outbursts that have occurred amid mostly peaceful protests across the country.
Clyburn is the highest-ranking Black member of Congress. He spoke a day after his remarks at the opening night of the Democratic National Convention, where he advocated for former Vice President Joe Biden as a president who could unite the country following what he characterized as four divisive years under President Donald Trump.
Clyburn says the protest efforts were undertaken by those “trying to make this country be a better place for our children and our grandchildren.” He says, “We’re aren’t trying to burn it down — we’re trying to build it up.”
Democrats convene virtually Tuesday for the convention’s second night, with remarks from Jill Biden and former President Bill Clinton.
Tuesday, 8:10 a.m.(from the Associated Press)
President Donald Trump is pushing back against former first lady Michelle Obama, claiming that her husband’s Oval Office performance is what catapulted him into the White House.
In her remarks Monday night at the Democratic National Convention, Mrs. Obama declared Trump was “in over his head” and the “wrong president for our country.”
In tweets Tuesday morning Trump taunted that someone should explain to her that he wouldn’t be in the “beautiful White House” today if it “weren’t for the job done by her husband,” President Barack Obama.
He also criticized the Obamas for making a “late and unenthusiastic endorsement” of Joe Biden. And in other tweets, Trump criticized Obama and Biden’s handling of the H1N1 swine flu in 2009 and claimed, without evidence, that the Obama administration was the most corrupt in history.
Trump ended with a sarcastic thanks to Michelle Obama for her “very kind words.”
Monday, 8:00 p.m. The official program for day one of the Democratic National Convention is underway.
Monday, 4:06 p.m. A news conference about DNC security with Mayor Tom Barrett, Acting Milwaukee Police Chief Michael Brunson and Milwaukee County Sheriff Earnell Lucas.
Monday, 2:34 p.m. A live news conference with Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett.
Monday, 1:24 p.m. A live news conference in Milwaukee with the Democratic National Commitee.
Monday, 8:54 a.m. The Wisconsin Welcome breakfast session.
Monday, 8:09 a.m. Marty Brooks from the Wisconsin Center District joins WTMJ’s Wisconsin’s Morning News.
Monday, 7:36 a.m. Mayor Barrett joins WTMJ’s Wisconsin’s Morning News.