BEAVER DAM, Wis. — An update on the deadly crash in Beaver Dam that left one person dead and five people, including three children, injured on January 26.
32-year-old Hector Jared Toscana Perez of Tennessee allegedly took a company Ford F150 pickup truck from South State Contractors, Inc. without permission, and drove drunk and without a valid driver’s license. He is accused of blowing through the stop sign at County Highways A and B in Beaver Dam, colliding with a 2006 Cadillac Escalade. Police say he did not appear to slow down.
30-year-old Matias Roblero Emanuel, who was living in Tennessee, was ejected from the car and died at the scene. 35-year-old Adam Mead and 39-year-old Sheila Mead, both of Fox Lake, and their three children ages 7, 11, and 13, were injured. Both adults were flown to Marshfield Medical Center in Beaver Dam with serious injuries, eventually being transferred to Aurora Summit Hospital. The children were also taken to Marshfield Medical Center with minor injuries, with one child being later transferred to UW-Madison Hospital for her treatment.
Adam Mead confirmed to Dodge County Sheriff’s deputies that “he was in significant pain and had a long road to recovery”.
In the investigation, law enforcement found that Perez has no legal status in the United States, and had been previously deported from the United States in 2019. He also has a detainer that has been placed by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
Officers also found out from supervisors at South State Contractors, Inc. that individuals in the area working for the company were not legal residents of the United States. This information has been provided to ICE for their follow-up.
Perez is recovering from his injuries and is expected to be booked into the Dodge County jail this coming weekend. Charges are pending.