MILWAUKEE — Milwaukee’s Department of Public Works is reminding city residents about schedule changes for city services over New Year’s.
There will be no garbage and recycling pick-up or drop-off on Wednesday, Jan. 1 and collection days will shift forward for each city holiday.
There won’t be parking meter or hourly restriction enforcement on Wednesday, January 1.
There also won’t be overnight parking enforcement on Tuesday night into Wednesday morning and Wednesday night into Thursday morning, but vehicles must still be legally parked. If a snow emergency is declared, snow emergency regulations take precedence.
Night parking enforcement resumes Thursday night into Friday morning.
The tow lot will open Tuesday Dec. 31 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and close Wednesday.
The Water Works Customer Service Center at 841 N. Broadway will be closed for the holiday on Tuesday and Wednesday for in-person and live telephone assistance but automated account information and bill payment will remain available by calling (414) 286-2830.
Municipal services bill information and account balances will be available online at and residen’ts should call the 24-hour Control Center at (414) 286-3710 for water emergencies.