MILWAUKEE – A nearly 15 million dollar federal grant has been awarded to the City of Milwaukee to build a network of 53 electric vehicle charging stations within city limits and at other side in Milwaukee County.
The grant was awarded through the United States Department of Transportation’s Charging and Fueling Infrastructure program, and will also allow for the construction of charging stations at county parks or cultural sites.
“Last year, the Common Council adopted our city’s Climate and Equity Plan, which included ambitious goals of reducing community-wide greenhouse gas emissions 45% by 2030 and achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Supporting electric vehicles for both City use and public use is a key part of achieving those goals,” said the Council Members in a joint statement released Monday.
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The Common Council says the plan is to prioritize siting the charging stations at both Milwaukee Public Library locations throughout the city, as well as into disadvantaged neighborhoods. The statement noted at least 40% of the chargers will be placed in those in disadvantaged neighborhoods.
The installation of the stations would be completed in part through a public-private partnership with a yet-to-be-named partner.
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The project will be completed in two phases. First, the City will finalize the locations of the charging stations in conformance to federal criteria and further public engagement, complete preliminary engineering, and begin the process to procure a partner. Then, with subsequent Council approval of locations, construction will commence on the stations.