MILWAUKEE — The first sign of spring in Milwaukee: peregrine falcon eggs. We Energies reports that the first peregrine egg of 2024 has been laid at the Valley Power Plant in Milwaukee. Proud parents Rolo and an unbanded female are watching over their new arrival. This is their second year nesting together.
Cameras in the live nest boxes allow for viewers to watch the eggs’ progress in real time. More eggs should be laid over the next few days, as peregrines tend to lay their eggs in the early part of spring.
The parents will take turns incubating their egg(s) over the coming weeks. If all goes well, the first chicks will hatch in a little over a month.
We Energies and WPS began installing peregrine falcon nest boxes on power plants in the early ’90s. According to We Energies, 444 peregrine falcons have hatched at We Energies and WPS facilities — that’s 20% of all peregrine falcons born in Wisconsin.
Watch and listen to the falcons on the live nest box webcams at We Energies and Wisconsin Public Service (WPS) facilities during the nesting season, which is typically February through July: