WASHINGTON CO. – A 17-year-old boy facing 94.5 years in prison after being accused of taking more than 300 photos and 200 videos of underage girls without consent.
The Washington County Sheriff’s Office say Bryan Seban was a student at Kettle Moraine Luthern High School when began taking photos and videos through a hole in the wall of his house. He’s no longer enrolled at the school.
Court records show he facing 12 counts of invading privacy – use of a surveillance device on a victim under 18 years old, two counts of exposing a child to harmful material, and 13 counts of possession of child pornography by a person under the age of 18.
Police say the investigation began last September when a former classmate told police that Seban had been showing them photos of girls on his phone.
Seban then told classmates about a hole in the wall of his house he used to watch the girls and even asked his classmates if they wanted to use it, according to the complaint.
Police pulled over a car occupied by Seban on Sep. 28 asking him to step out to chat. In the chat, Seban agreed to head into the Sheriff’s Office for more questioning.
He denied taking the pictures before confessing to drilling a hole in a storage room wall in to the bathroom where he could see the entire space.
He admits to snapping pics and videos without the girls consent and says he’s done it for about a year. He provided names and passwords for officers to have access to the photos, according to police.