MILWAUKEE- Former Milwaukee Alderman Bob Donovan says he wants to right the wrongs he’s seen grow in Milwaukee since he last held public office.
During WTMJ 2022, Donovan, who’s now running for Mayor, told WTMJ’s John Mercure he sees crime as the number one issue heading into April’s spring election.
“We can’t, as a community, expect our police department to do an effective, efficient, job, unless they’re given an appropriate level of manpower,” Donovan said. “There’s a criminal element, I believe, feels that there are little to no consequences for their behavior.”
The Milwaukee Police Department has lost more than 100 officers over the last several years due to budget constraints.
Donovan tells WTMJ he believes Milwaukee could afford to pay for the additional officers, if the correct measures are taken.
“We need that partnership with the state of Wisconsin,” Donovan said. “The shared revenue problems that we’ve had in the city have really hurt this community and that’s Republican and Democratic leadership that’s either stagnate that shared revenue or decreased it, but other than that, the state of Wisconsin is sitting on an almost 4-billion dollar surplus and it’s so important that they recognize the importance of a strong Milwaukee.”
Donovan was the 2nd leading vote getter in Tuesday’s primary election. He will square off against acting mayor Cavalier Johnson during the April General Election.