MILWAUKEE — A wave of canceled football games from Milwaukee Public Schools is throwing a wrench in the start of the high school football season.
The move has forced MPS opponents into a scramble after they got the call late Wednesday night.
“They told me that they had a slew of things going on that just prevented them from fulfilling the game this evening,” said Racine Horlick Athletic Director Joe Wendt, whose school was scheduled to play Marshall High School. “We’ve kind of run into a halt with available teams.”
MPS has not clarified their reasoning for canceling games in the opening week.
Meanwhile, Racine Horlick is still optimistic they can start their season on time.
“If there’s any football teams looking for an opponent this week…anyone looking for a game at this point we are just looking to play,” Wendt said.
Horlick is among the schools who played in the WIAA alternate season this spring, but they are eager to return to the fall season.
“Obviously we were all hopeful going back into kicking off fall as normal as possible, rebounding from COVID,” Wendt said. “This is a small setback, but we talked to our coaches and our students, and just talking about things we can control in our life.”