Our very own Debbie Lazaga came out swinging in this year’s board break-a-thon. The annual event hosted by J.K. Lee Taekwondo took place at Southridge Mall on Saturday in an effort to raise money for the MACC fund.
The board break-a-thon celebrated it’s twenty-fifth year and has officially broken the million dollar mark.
Debbie completed a special challenge where if she raised over one-thousand dollars she would have the chance to showcase her strength and break a brick.
Wisconsin’s Morning News host Gene Mueller captured the brick-breaking moment:
Feets, don’t fail me now: couldn’t be more proud of @620wtmj‘s @D_La Lazaga Marx for what she did today in raising money/awareness for the @maccfund! A great big thank-you-atta-girl and a bag of ice for someone I’m honored to call colleague and friend! pic.twitter.com/bDnYM0QmE4
— Gene Mueller (@genemueller) February 16, 2019
If you would like to donate to Debbie’s cause you can donate here. Congratulations Debbie, we are very proud (and slightly intimidated).