Milwaukee Police are investigating two recent unrelated burglaries in the city that they are hoping the public can help identify the suspects.
The first incident took place on December 28 around 2:30 a.m. at the Amstar gas station at 9114 West Silver Spring. The suspect used a piece of blacktop to break a front window of the business, then crawled inside. He got some items from the store before leaving on foot.
The suspect is described as a black make in his later 20’s with a medium complexion and weighing about 170 pounds. He was wearing a red and white tassel hat, a white t-shirt underneath a black hooded sweartshirt, black sweatpants, black tennis shoes and an over-sized black backpack.
The second incident took place on January 2 just after 7 p.m. at Steve’s Liquor Store at 6213 West Appleton. The suspect went inside and demanded money from the register, then fled the store.
He is described as a black male in his 40’s with a medium complexion, standing about five-foot five-inches tall and weighting about 160 pounds. He was wearing a black rimmed baseball cap, a Gerry Brand black winter jacket with a hood, a white/gray checkered button up shirt, blue jeans, black shoes, and gold rimmed sunglasses.
Anyone with information about the burglaires and the suspects is asked to contact Milwaukee Police at 935-7360.